In this episode, I share my 3 hot tips of how I care for myself so that I can have painless periods, feel at home in my body, and stop any people pleasing that my trained mind may think I need to do. Our periods are powerful times and they need to cared for. So tune into this episode to learn exactly the most powerful 3 things you can do during your menstruation (inner winter) to support your body and help your hormones balance.
Join me in the humourous conversation with my bestie on how she bought Mr. Darcy, her new puppy, as a spontaneous buy in her inner spring. Now although Mr. Darcy turned out to be the right purchase for her, we chat about how our cycle does play into these spontaneous purchases that can sometimes turn out to not be such a good decision.
Being a mom, regardless if you are primarily at home or in the office is a BIG JOB. Add in our cyclical shifts, illness, and our desire to be the perfect parent and we can begin to feel defeated. This week we have Darci Hawxhurst joining us who shares her story of mothering a brain injured child, how she hit rock bottom, and what she learned about healing and self-care as a mom.
Birth control and the removal of the uterus are not the only options to dealing with Menstrual Pain. There are other ways, for us women, to come into relationship with our period pain to either heal it or to be with the pain without it feeling like it is destroying us. Check out this conversation with Colleen Jorgensen, an Oesteopath specializing in Pain Care on tools to help us find freedom in our period.
Suzy has been a Registered Massage Therapist for 18 years and is passionate about providing the most in-depth experience for her clients. What started out as a journey to learn about her own cycle and the power of womb wisdom, quickly turned into a transformational experience that shifted how she treated clients using cycle mapping and how she cared for her own cycle while being a busy business owner.
I think most of us women dream of making 6 figures while working less hours and having the flexibility to be a the primary parent to our children. I also think that it is a scary to think we can do this while staying aligned to our menstrual cycle wisdom.
Tania Vasallo has done just that! She has built her coaching business to 6 figures in 4 years with only working 20 hours a week.
It can be hard to follow your life’s purpose and work in a job that you are passionate about. For many of us, we fall into roles that pay the bills or feel socially acceptable. BUT sometimes when we dare to leap and follow our heart’s desire, we can come out the otherside living our passion. This week, Rebecca Canup joins us to share her journey of leaping from her job in healthcare to her dream job as a poet
This episode is the woman’s guide on how to work cyclically so that you are not burning out by the demands of your job.
PMS….What so many of us suffer from on varying degrees. Symptoms ranging from irritation to rage to insomnia to pain radiating in some part of our body. But here’s the thing, PMS is a symptomatic condition of the times we are living in within modern society. PMS is our body trying to get our attention because we are living out of alignment with our hormones and what are body is needing to maintain healthy balance.
Over the past century women’s bodies have been over medicalized as a band aid solution to silence our menstrual symptoms and gynecological issues. Yet women’s bodies and hormonal systems are not always taken into consideration in medical research and doctors are not being trained in hormone balancing (listening and investigating root causes). In this episode we are going to explore how we can begin to show up differently and empowered in our body.
Jamie K lived with endometriosis for 20 years before a doctor finally diagnosed her. During that time she was told by many physicians the pain was in her head. When she was finally diagnosed, she was at stage 4 with endometriosis on 12 organs. Not only did she heal her endometriosis, but she went on two having 2 children and now coaching women on how to do the same.
Nutrition is a powerful tool in balancing our hormones. Join me in this episode with Hormone Nutritionist, Madeline MacKinnon to learn all about hormone health and the superfoods that can bring us back into balance.
So many women enter perimenopause and feel at war with their body. There can be a rise in emotions that you were not prepared for and physical changes that you are lost in how to navigate. In this conversation with Dana Atkinson, we will explore the power of perimenopause and how being curious about your body can help you come home to feeling connected and inspired by your body's wisdom.
Our body has a rhythm and that rhythm is a way for our body to talk to us. In this episode, I am going to share the 4 different methods you can use to chart your menstrual cycle, so that you can de-code your womb wisdom and start living in alignment with your unique rhythm to feel empowered by your body's wisdom. When we know our cycle we are better able to manage our energy, nourish our body with what it truly needs, and stay curious so we are living each day inspired.
This episode is to help anyone who wants to live cyclically, but doesn't have a menstrual cycle due to a hysterectomy, menopause, not born with a uterus but identifies with feminine energy or just has unpredictable cycles.