Stop Running On Empty & Start Thriving In Your Life

Reclaim You!

Do you wake up wondering when life got so overwhelming…

feeling drained, disconnected, and battling a cycle of self-doubt that leaves you questioning everything — from your body to your career, your marriage, and even your own worth?

Do you find yourself caught in a cycle of self-doubt, feeling disconnected from the vibrant woman you once envisioned?

Is your body changing in ways that make you cringe in your own skin? Weight gain, chronic pain, feeling as though you are on the verge of an emotional breakdown, or completely taken back by your intense rage?

Do you ever wonder how your life became a whirlwind of exhaustion, guilt, and uncertainty?

Your days feel like a race, where you play the hare—fast-paced, running through each moment, yet never feeling like you’re winning. Meanwhile, your husband, your kids, even those around you glide like the tortoise—steady, joyful, and effortlessly fulfilled.


If you could recalibrate, and rediscover the life you were meant to live? What if sleepless nights spent questioning your marriage, worrying about your children, and feeling burned out by your career could transform into peace, purpose, and vitality?

What if, instead of losing yourself, you could

Reclaim who you are?

Would you believe me if I told you that what you're feeling right now is because

you're out of tune — not with the world around you,

but with the powerful cycle within you?


Cyclical - Reclaiming YOU

This isn’t just a course — it’s a 9 - month journey designed to birth the new you.

Cyclical: Reclaiming You

Tap into your cyclical power, syncing your life with your natural rhythms, so you can create more balance, boundaries, and bliss. By nurturing your hormonal shifts, embracing your cycle, and harmonizing your feminine energy, you will craft a life lived with intention.

You’ll learn how to balance burnout, heal ancestral wounds, and turn the "hamster wheel" of your everyday life into a powerful, intentional rhythm


  • Embody Wellness & Vitality:

    Learn to nourish your cycle and your body so you can thrive, even amidst the daily chaos of modern life.

  • Burnout to Balance:

    Say goodbye to exhaustion and hello to harmony as you master practical hormone hacks that bring ease into your routine.

  • Harmonizing the Wounded Feminine:

    Heal deep, generational wounds and reclaim the sacred practices that will allow you to fully embody your divine feminine power.


Here’s what’s included:


Cycle Fundamentals

Over the first 8 weeks, I will take you on a journey of understanding your cycle, your menstrual health and the key emotional building blocks to discovering your inner wisdom and your inner power that has been lying dormate waiting to be engaged. Each week during the Cycle Fundamentals, we’ll meet weekly on our group zoom call to explore the foundational wisdom of your cycle. You’ll unlock the secrets of your body’s natural power and learn how to nurture it for a thriving, fulfilling life.

  • Week 1

    Know Your Cycle, Love Your Body:

    How Cycle Syncing is Your Ultimate Hormone Hack

  • Week 2

    The Wisdom Keepers

    Embodying & Empowering Through the Cycle Archetypes

  • Week 3

    Womb Mapping

    Understanding How All Cycles Impact Our Energy & Mood

  • Week 4

    What in the Womb is Going On?

    A New Take On Navigating Menstrual Conditions

  • Week 5

    Perimenopause & Menopause

    Finding Safety During Great Change

  • Week 6

    Nervous System Healing & The Cycle

    Healing Ancestral Wounds

  • Week 7

    Divine Feminine Energy

    Coming Home to Your Self - The Ultimate Act of Self-Love

  • Week 8

    Advocating For Ourselves & Our Health

    In a Broken Patriarchal System


Cycle Syncing Integration

Each month after we complete the Cycle Fundementals, we’ll meet monthly on zoom to delve deeper into weaving these insights into your life. You'll discover the magic of cycle syncing and hormone hacking, backed by powerful resources and sacred practices.

Every month, you will have one group coaching call as well as have access to a recorded library of videos, guiding you deeper into your womb wisdom with practical tips and empowering tools for each module.

Month 3 - Well Woman Series

What is Keeping Us Hormonally Unwell

In month 3 we will dive into the truth on Endocrine Disruptors and how they are keeping us hormonally unbalanced and unwell. It is true they are everywhere, but with awareness we can make better choices and take control of our own wellbeing for the long term.

Month 4 - Well Woman Series

Fueling Our Hormones For Success

An apple a day may keep the Doctor away, but good nuturition keeps period pain at bay. If you are suffering from PMS, period issues, or menopause symptoms, then nutrition will be your biggest ally in finding relief. This month we will dive deep into the power of nutrition for hormone health.

Is Your Fitness Routine Stressing You Out?

Month 5 - Well Woman Series

Not all fitness is the right fitness for your hormones. Cycle syncing your fitness routine and understanding what your body needs to thrive into your Wise Woman years is essential to creating great health and balanced hormones.

Taming the Inner Critic to Know Your Worth

Month 6 - Burnout to Balance Series

We all have one and we all get taken down by her every now and then, but it doesn’t have to be this way. This month is all about learning how to befriend your inner critic and navigate that destructive self talk that keeps you living small.

Month 7 - Burnout to Balance Series

Liberating Your Sensual Being

For centuries, women have been shamed for being sensual. This has impacted how we feel pleasure and see our bodies. Now is the time to reclaim our sensuality so we can tap into feeling, expressing, and be alive in our own skin.

Month 8 - Burnout to Balance Series

Replenish: Learning Impactful Self-Care

Self-care is more than just having a bath. It is about understanding your triggers, your emotional needs and how your cycle shifts both of these elements. True self-care is being able to register when stress is starting to rule your life and to have the tools to navigate through it with more ease and self-awareness.

Month 9 - Harmonizing the Wounded Feminine Series

You Are a Goddess — Priestess Teachings to Illuminate Your Path

Imposter syndrome, rage guilt, being the good girl, perfectionism are just a few of the many ways that we have been taught to live small and be accommodating to the world. The ancient teachings from Priestess and goddess culture have been erased and as women we still feel the effects. It is time to awaken to our gifts and to feel safe in shinning our magic into the world. It is time to harmonize the wounded feminine.

What Women Are Saying

Working with Kate has shown me how to embrace my femininity & love myself in a whole new way.

She has gracefully and whole heartedly provided treatments that have opened up my heart and womb with nourishment and growth.

Kate is an empowering and knowledgeable guide who is teaching me to navigate through our patriarchal society with strength, grace, health and authenticity.


I had been searching for years for someone who could help me heal

and also teach me about my own healing potential, energy, my period and to stop avoiding the beautiful things about being a woman. Kate gave me all of that and even more! I have changed how I view my cycle, how to journal about my cycle, how to label and feel my own felt sense, and how to check in with myself daily. I started to name the issues that I did not realize where hindering me and I had a place to be real, raw and energizing. This is a safe place that taught me how to heal and if you're ready to face some of your challenges and do the work, Kate will help you begin to realize them. Kate taught me that I can love my woman hood again. She also taught me how to heal, go within, and slow down. In a world where doctors and clinicians use their science to explain the WHYs or WHY nots and biological clocks, Kate uses hope and acceptance to teach you about your own capacity.

What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.
— Rupi Kaur

Cyclical tools will give you

Reconnect with Your Body and Cycle: You will develop a deeper understanding of your hormonal cycles and learn how to work with your body, not against it.

Regain Balance and Vitality: The course equips you with hormone hacking tools to prevent burnout, manage stress, and find harmony even amidst the demands of daily life.

Cultivate Intentional Living: By syncing your life with your natural rhythms, you can live more purposefully, with clear boundaries, and aligned with your deepest desires.

Heal and Harmonize the Wounded Feminine: The course gives you the tools to release outdated narratives, reclaim your power, and live with more confidence and grace.

Navigate Life Transitions with Confidence: Whether you’re entering perimenopause, transitioning through menopause, or simply navigating life’s changes, you’ll gain the knowledge and support needed to handle these shifts with grace, ease, and clarity.

Build a Supportive Sisterhood: Throughout the course, you’ll be part of a community of women who are on similar journeys of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Reclaim your feminine power with safety and support.

Your 9 month journey will begin October 29.

Doors close October 15, so don’t delay. Grab your spot before the doors close!


  • 8 Weeks of Cycle Fundamentals

  • 7 Months of Cycle Integration Modules

  • 15 Group Coaching Calls

  • 12 Months Access to Material

  • BONUS: Living In Flow Course

  • BONUS: The Healed Cycle Course

  • BONUS: Private Podcast Access

  • BONUS: Monthly Yoga Nidra’s

$1,297 (Regular Pay-In Full)

3 Monthly Payments

$222 Special Pricing

Cyclical Elevated

Everything Offered in the Cyclical Program, PLUS…

  • 4 - 1:1 Personalized Cycle Coaching Session

  • 4 In Person Group Womb Attunements & Ceremony

  • Monthly Group Coaching Session during month 10, 11, & 12

  • Free ticket to In-Person One Day Retreat in 2025

  • Access to the Aligned Womb Yoga Library

$2,297 (Regular Pay-In Full)

4 Monthly Payments

$319 Special Pricing

But That’s Not All…

You Also Get These Bonuses


2 Personalized Cycle Coaching Sessions

(value: $333 )

Receive 2 Unlock Your Womb Coaching sessions, where you and I will explore your current struggles with your cycle and what your hopes are in healing these imbalances. You will walk away with resources, hormone hacking tools and a strategy plan to achieving your cycle intention. Working 1:1 with me will help you gain the clarity you are desiring and help you reach your goals faster.

BONUS 1 For all Registrants

Private Podcast

(value: $200)

I know just how busy life is, which is why I am offering the bonus of having the FULL Living in FLOW course (pre-recorded content + replay’s of our calls) on a private podcast for members. This way you can listen to the course on the go…in your car, on your walk, or making lunches. This will help keep you inspired and moving forward on implementing cycle wisdom into your everyday.

BONUS 2 For all Registrants

Living In FLOW Course

(value: $797)

The perfect companion to the Cyclical: Reclaiming You Program. This 12 week course guides you in understanding how to hormone hack so you can thrive as a parent, connect deeper in your relationships through cycle wisdom, and excel in creating the ultimate balance your work life. No more overwhelm and burnout, let’s learn to use our cycle as our superpower to live our best life.

BONUS 3 For all Registrants

The Healed Cycle Course

(value: $166)

Revolutionize your relationship with your cycle in the 4-part course that will teach you how to de-code your cycle and symptoms, how to advocate for your health, how to thrive during PMS & your period, and finally tips & tricks to healing your cycle.

BONUS 4 For all Registrants

Monthly Yoga Nidra

(value: $135)

As modern women we are rest deprived! This program is about reviving you - bringing you back to a place of balance, which is why I am gifting you the bonus of Rest! Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a powerful tool to help your physical body feel replenished. According to research, 30 min of Yoga Nidra can equal up to 4 hours of deep sleep. While you are a member of Cyclical, you will receive a monthly Yoga Nidra recording to nourish you!

BONUS 5 For all Registrants

3 Months of Extended Access

(value: $450)

I get it…you sign up for a course and then life happens and you fall behind. I truly want you to have the time to put into practice what you have learned in this course and to not feel rushed. This is why I am giving you full access to this course for an extra 2 months! Now you can take your time, go back and re-watch / re-listen to all the material and calls so that you feel confident to crafting your cyclical plan.

This isn't just about hormones. This is about reclaiming the life you desire. The life that honors who you are at your core — a powerful, intuitive, and vibrant woman living in alignment with her natural cycles.

This is your invitation to reconnect, recalibrate, and reclaim.

Ready to begin your journey to Reclaiming You?

The path awaits.

this is for you if:

You’ve lost connection with your body and your cycles and your’re struggling with your periods, perimenopause, or just feel like your body is working against you instead of with you.

You feel burnt out and depleted. Maybe it’s from juggling a demanding career, being a full-time mom, or balancing endless responsibilities, you're exhausted and longing for a way to restore your energy.

You want tools to reclaim your health and vitality. You’re tired of feeling off, whether it's hormonally, mentally, or emotionally, and want actionable tools to feel better, inside and out.

You’re seeking deeper purpose and fulfillment. You feel stuck in survival mode, longing for a life filled with more balance, joy, and intentional living, but don’t know how to make that a reality.

this is not for you if:

You prefer structured, conventional approaches. If you thrive on rigid routines, traditional medical advice, or prefer a one-size-fits-all solution, this program’s intuitive, holistic, and cyclical approach might not align with you.

You’re not open to exploring feminine wellness or sacred practices. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of tapping into your feminine energy, hormonal cycles, or spiritual practices, this program’s approach may feel too outside the box for you.

If you're looking for a surface-level approach to health or balance, without diving into mindset shifts, emotional healing, and rewiring how you interact with yourself and the world, this program won’t resonate with you.

You are looking for a course to teach you the FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) or are looking for medical advice.

Hi I am Kate Nguy


I am a mother to 3 little’s, a wife, an entrepreneur, and a cyclical woman on a mission.

I have been there - that rock bottom moment when it all feels too much. Juggling 3 kids, building a business and trying to keep a marriage thriving, while still managing the household, finances, medical check ups, extra curricular activities, homework, and list just keeps going.

As a Menstrual Cycle Coach and Women’s Wellness Specialist, nothing is more important to me than helping woman thrive though aligning to their cycle wisdom.

Balance is not a mystical unicorn, it is a human right and as women it can feel impossible. I am here to change all that! Let me help you de-code your cycle and learn the tools to help you bring LIFE back into your life. Cyclical Living is the missing key to stepping into a life where you feel fully empowered, radiant, and deeply connected to your feminine essence.

I am a….

  • Certified Yoga Therapist + Instructor with a Specialty in Women’s Hormones with over a decade of experience

  • Menstrual Cycle Coach trained in Menstrual Cycle Awareness + Supporting Hormonal Imbalances

  • Level 3 Moon Mother trained in Womb Attunements, Womb Healing + Feminine Ceremonies

  • A Mind-Body Coach + Yoga Nidra Instructor

Still Got Questions?

  • I deeply believe that when we start to live in alignment with the different phases of our cycle and start living cyclically, our body registers this shift and our hormones begin to balance. This program will teach you about your cycle and your hormones as well as go deep into the tools you can use to support the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

  • This course was designed with busy women in mind. All zoom calls will be recorded for replay availability. If you know you cannot attend and have questions, you can submit them to me before our call and I will address them in the recording or you can post in our online community for me and the other women in the program to comment on. Also, don't forget that all calls will be on available on our private podcast so you can listen to the replays on your commute, at the gym or while you make supper.

  • Yes! This program is guaranteed to help those who are brand new to understanding their hormones and cycle and will also helping those who have been on the deep dive of learning and investigating their menstrual cycle for years. In this course I bring the most undated information. This is where evidence based information meets sacred exploration.

  • I get it! And I want this to be easy for you to learn and apply to your daily life. I have 3 kids, run a business and the one that keeps our house operational. This course came into being as I learned tools to help me find balance, navigate my needs, while also being the connector in our family that I dreamed of being but was struggling to be.

    My hope is that this course helps you find your balance without overcomplicating your life. You don't need more things "you should be doing." You need tools to help you fall back in love with this crazy, packed full life that you have created.

    Remember, you have access to all the material for 12 months, so there is lots of time for you to explore the program. So don't rush and watch what interests you.

    And don’t forget all the recorded material is also in an audio form on a private podcast. So if time is an issue, just listen to the podcast as you are running around doing your errands.

  • Most definitely!

    If you have an irregular cycle or have had a hysterectomy, I will be guiding you through the program on how to use the material for a deeper cycle that is still operating in you. You are still cyclical, we just have to listen differently to our body to discover our rhythm. But once we understand how, everything will click and living cyclically will become a way of life for the rest of your life.

  • No, but I do offer a money back guarantee. If you have attended the first 2 zoom calls and you are not loving the course, I will be happy to refund you. Please note that all refunds do require having a zoom chat with me first for me to provide the refund.

Cyclical - Reclaiming YOU

This isn’t just a course — it’s a 9 month journey designed to birth the new you.


$1,297 (Regular Pay-In Full)

3 Monthly Payments

$222 Special Pricing

Cyclical Elevated

$2,297 (Reg)

4 Monthly Payments

$319 Special Pricing


Still unsure how this program would work for you?