Episode 58: Healing Our Trauma to Heal Chronic Illness with Jenny Adams
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Chronic illness, regardless of the diagnosis, can feel like a life sentence to feeling unwell. Not only does one feel the effects on their physical health, but the emotional toll, the worry, the uncertainty and the isolation can all play into amplifying a deteriorating lifestyle.
In today’s episode we hear Jenny’s story of being crippled by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in her 20’s and her road to recovery. We will dive into what she learned through re-connecting to her body, healing stored trauma and challenging herself to step back into living a fully engaged life. Jenny is a true life inspiration on how we can heal our body and live the life we dreamed of.
In this episode we explore:
How feelings and emotions impact our health?
Chronic Illness does not mean will be stuck with this forever
Trauma and how it impacts our health
What keeps women disconnected from their body?
The importance of nervous system regulation in healing our body and staying connected.
Jenny is a somatic coach from the UK, trained in embodiment, pilates, meditation, life coaching and currently trauma therapy with Gabor Maté. She came to this work after spending a lot of her 20s dependent on a wheelchair due to ME/CFS. She now helps people who have chronic illnesses to recover, and also teaches people about their nervous system so they can prevent getting sick in the first place.
Check out Jenny’s work - click here to view her website
find Jenny on Instagram @chronicillnesscoach or on Facebook @chronicillnesscoaching
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