The Womb Revivalist
Guiding women on the Powerful Journey of Aligning to their Womb and the Divine Feminine Energy
Podcast ~ YouTube ~ Blog
I have been a guest on…
Check out these interviews that I have had the privilege of being a guest on. I share a lot about my journey through fertility, complex pregnancies, surviving the NICU, and so much on women’s health & cycle awareness. Click on the picture to have listen ✨
Coming Home to Hope on the Fertility Journey
Hope is not just an emotion, it is a state of being. It is a tool to keep us grounded and present on our journey while TTC. Here are my tips on how you can come home to hope while trying to get pregnant.
A Mother’s Day Letter to Women on the Fertility Journey
Mother’s Day can be a triggering day when you’re on the fertility journey. Move through this day with extra compassion to yourself and remember, just because your little one is not in your arms yet, does not mean you are not a mother. You are a mother in all other meanings of the word.
5 Tips to Navigate the Holiday’s When You’re Struggling to Get Pregnant
5 Tips to help you move through those triggering moments that happen during the holiday season.
When The Doctor’s Say There Is No Chance - Healing Ectopic Pregnancies
When the doctor’s lost faith in my body’s ability to heal, I took my power back, healed my remaining tube and went on to have successful pregnancies. I healed my body….you can too!