Episode 55: Aligning with the Ancient Feminine Way of Power to Amplify Our Lives
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Goddess Spirituality, the ancient feminine, and the essence of the priestess are not topics that are openly discussed. For many these practices and teachings have been tabooed or labeled with a stigma, which makes them topics feared to explore openly.
This week on the podcast Aly Wilkins joins me to share her wisdom on the ancient feminine and her journey of walking the path as a priestess. She shares how aligning with the ancient feminine way has been a life of remembering her power and her life’s blueprint.
In this episode we explore:
Aly’s journey into exploring goddess sprituality
How the goddess energy helps Aly align her life and allows her to deepen and evolve in her life’s journey
The wisdom of feminine energy
How women have been devalued for centuries and how ancient feminine wisdom can awaken a remembrance of our power and worth
What is our highest blueprint as women
The impact of the witch burning trial in history and how it impacts us still to this day
How the raise of the feminine is happening in the modern world
Aly Wilkins is an Oracle, Priestess, Author, Akashic Records practitioner and teacher of the Ancient Feminine. She helps you identify the energy and essence behind your soul blueprint and to design your life based on your own unique blueprint, to support your greatest fulfillment, pleasure, power & joy. Aly's work with the ancient feminine supports the revival of Full Spectrum Feminine in society, which amplifes our ability to truly step into our blueprints, and she offers many courses and mentorship programs based on this concept. You can feel Aly's work through her active social media channels (IG, Tik Tok & YouTube), in her book Sacred Wealth: Activating Your Inner Abundance and in her free masterclasses!
Aly’s Youtube on Witch Trials
Find out more about Aly’s work on YouTube, on instagram @ancientfeminine, TikTok@alywilkins
Aly’s website - click here
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